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SPMABC News Updates

September 30 2020 Given the current pandemic situation, we just wanted to take a moment to provide a quick update to our members.

I know many of you have expressed concerns about recertification credit opportunities, given we are unable to host in-person training sessions at this time.

We are sensitive to the needs of our members, and are now able to offer exemptions to the previous regulation that requires license holders to earn credits in 4 of the 5 years of their certification.

We’re also happy to report that the previous cap on the number of online credits that can be put towards recertification has been lifted. This will remain in effect until June 30th 2021. Please see below for links to online resources.

Any exemptions are being addressed on a case by case basis, so please contact us should you have concerns or want to determine if you will qualify.

The number of credits per category and the total number of credits required will remain unchanged. All members need to earn a minimum of 20 credits over the 5 year period with a minimum of 3 credits earned in each of the following categories:

· pest management

· application technology

· human health & pesticide safety

As we are unable to host in-person meetings for the foreseeable future, there are some online training options that provide credits towards recertification

Please rest assured that SPMABC is working closely with the Ministry of Environment to support our members through this unprecedented situation.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns at this time.

Thank you and stay safe!


September 25 2020 We were notified yesterday regarding a ban on the use of Temprid in the City of Vancouver.

After having spoken to the Ministry of Environment, we have confirmed that because the City of Vancouver has its own charter, it is in a unique position to be able to enact such a bylaw.

Vancouver is the only jurisdiction in the province that can create a bylaw limiting the use of pest control products within their boundaries. A link to the ban has been provided below and the pertinent section has been highlighted for your reference.

Please note that this ban is not just on Temprid, but on all products categorized as neonicotinoids.

This includes (but is not limited to):

Seclira cockroach bait

Seclira aerosol insecticide

Max Force Impact cockroach bait

Max Force Fly Spot Bait

Max Force Quantum ant baits

All information regarding the ban can be found on the Vancouver Health Bylaw Website’s PDF:

I’ve copied the specific sections that pertain to the use of neonicotinoids below. There are exempted uses for pesticides (e.g. inside buildings, or for human health hazards) but neonicotinoids are specifically excluded from these exemptions.

Ban on pesticides

2.9 A person must not apply, or suffer or allow the application of, a pesticide:

a) that is a neonicotinoid; or

(b) that is a registered control product under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada); and

that persons use directly or indirectly to control, destroy, attract, or repel a pest, being:

(i) an animal, plant, or other organism that is directly or indirectly injurious, noxious, or troublesome, or

(ii) an injurious, noxious, or troublesome condition or organic function of an animal, plant, or other organism, or to mitigate or prevent any injurious, noxious, or troublesome effects of a pest.

Exception to ban on pesticides

2.10 Despite section 2.9, a person may apply, or suffer or allow the application of, a pesticide other than a neonicotinoid:

(a) to disinfect swimming pools, whirlpools, spas, or wading pools;

(b) to purify water intended for the use of human beings or animals;

(c) within an enclosed building, being an area closed in by a roof or ceiling and walls with appropriate openings for ingress or egress equipped with doors which are kept closed except when actually in use for ingress or egress;

(d) to control termites;

(e) to control or destroy a health hazard;

(f) to control or destroy pests which have caused infestation to property, being the presence of pests in numbers or under conditions which involve an immediate or potential risk of substantial loss or damage;

(g) to exterminate or repel rodents;

(h) as a wood preservative;

(i) as an insecticide bait enclosed by the manufacturer in a plastic or metal container made in a way that prevents or minimizes access to the bait by human beings and pets;

(j) as an insect repellent for personal use; or

(k) that contains only one or more of the active ingredients set out in Schedule A to this By-law.

If you have specific questions about the details or scope of the bylaw, I would encourage you to contact the City of Vancouver.

This situation is ongoing and we will provide updates as we receive them. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns.


September 11 2020 Please be advised of an ongoing outbreak of Western Hemlock Looper moths that has recently been reported by various news outlets.

The number of moths will start to drop towards the end of September, as their breeding cycle is cyclical, but in the interim, pest control customers will be reporting increased activity levels. More information can be found at the links below.

Thank you and stay safe!

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