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Update: CPMA Special Alert: Coronavirus & Essential Services

March 25 2020

Please see below for the latest updates from the CPMA regarding COVID-19.

Our recommendation is to register for the webinar at the bottom if you are able to do so.

Please attached for a copy of the letter that has been sent to the Ministry of Environment and others in the BC government to outline the importance of our industry being able to continue to operate during the pandemic.

We’ll continue to update you with new information as we receive it.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

CPMA Special Alert: Coronavirus & Essential Services CPMA Members,

Over the past several days as more information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is being disseminated by the federal and local governments, there has been a push to classify industries as essential or non-essential. Those deemed as essential can continue to operate as more quarantines and restrictions are put in place. CPMA firmly believes that structural pest control is an essential industry that must continue to provide the valuable services we offer during this pandemic. To that end, CPMA and NPMA have crafted a letter which is being shared with Health Canada, CFIA, Canadian Health Ministers, Canadian Premiers, and the Mayors of Canada’s capital cities.

On March 24, Ontario enacted a mandate to close all non-essential businesses. Pest Control is specifically deemed essential per the provincial definition.

Language states: 40. Businesses that support environmental management/monitoring and spill clean-up and response, including environmental consulting firms, professional engineers and geoscientists, septics haulers, well drillers, pesticides applicators and exterminators,management of industrial sewage/effluent (eg for mining operations), and environmental laboratories.

If you’d like to customize this letter and share with your local municipalities or others feel free to do so. If you have already shared this letter and have received a response, please update this tracking document or forward your responses to Mike Bentley.

We also want to clarify that it is upon each business to make a decision on what works best for your company, your employees, and your customers but do want to ensure that we have the ability to continue protecting the public from pests and their associated disease and destruction.

Reserve Your Seat for CPMA’s Coronavirus COVID-19 Webinar

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation with many implications on our lives, businesses, employees and families. In an effort to help the businesses in the pest management industry keep up, CPMA is hosting this webinar. How to handle human resources issues during the pandemic will be covered by Sara Cromwell, Human Resources Manager at Abell, as well as a walk through on Canadian resources on (subject to change based on the fluidity of the situation). Join us Friday, March 27, 1pm – 2pm EST. This webinar is being offered at no charge, but space is limited.


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