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NPMA Training Webinar: Non-target Rodenticide Exposure and Wildlife

August 4 2020 I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in these uncertain times. We wanted to take the opportunity to share a training opportunity through the NPMA. Given the recent history in BC with the bans in North Vancouver and Saanich, it is important to have the opportunity to become more informed on this issue and that we are all knowledgeable about the issues surrounding the use of anti-coagulant baits.

Non-target Rodenticide Exposure and Wildlife

September 17, 2020 | 2:00-3:00pm EST (11AM-12PM PST)

Niamh Quinn, PhD, University of California, Davis, CA

Rodenticides have been under heavy scrutiny in recent years, with high profile media reports implicating rodenticides in the poisoning of wildlife in California and other locations. In response, researchers have begun investigating different aspects of rodenticide use to better understand how wildlife are becoming exposed. Learn about the latest findings, what they mean for the industry, and what efforts every PMP should make to protect future rodenticide use in the U.S

If you’d like to participate in the training session, please register today!


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